Allotment Society
Contact | Mike Lewis |
Position | Chair |
Address | Deddington Allotment Society |
Tel No | 07702 600069 | | |
We are members of The National Society of Allotment & Leisure Gardeners Ltd. Welcome to the Deddington allotment society. The allotments in Deddington are situated at the end of Satin Lane which is a narrow track off St Thomas Street. There are around 48 allotments under cultivation and there is usually a waiting list of people waiting for a plot. If you are interested in becoming an allotment holder, register your interest with the Clerk to the Parish Council: | |
Updated | 30 November 2023 |
Badminton Club
Contact | Caroline Tindale |
Position | Secretary |
Address | Deddington Badminton Club |
Tel No | 01869 337962 | | |
Our Club night is every Tuesday for Adults from 7.30pm during the season (September to April). We have a good mix of social and competitive Badminton covering a wide age range. We welcome new members, youngsters and adults. We play at the Windmill Centre and are pleased to welcome guests who can come along on Club nights. | |
Affiliated to The Oxfordshire Badminton Association and The Badminton Association of England | |
Updated | 5 December 2024 |
Address | 1st Deddington Beavers |
Information | Unfortunately, due to a lack of leaders, the section is currently closed. To find the nearest Beaver colony to you please visit the North Oxfordshire Scouts website. To discuss leadership opportunities within 1st Deddington Beavers, please contact |
Updated | 4 October 2021 |
Contact | Colin Cox |
Address | Church Bellringers |
Deddington | |
Banbury | |
Tel No | 01869 337486 | | |
Web | |
Looking for a hobby, something that exercises mind and body, and like to make a noise? Please go to the above website or contact Colin Cox on 01869 337486 or Yvonne Twomey on 01869 337213 | |
Updated | 3 November 2022 |
Bridge Club
Contact | Hugh Blythe |
Address | |
Tel No | | | |
The Club, for people who wish to play bridge in a congenial environment, meets at the Holly Tree Club 1.45 – 4.45pm each Friday, and uses the Chicago version of bridge to ensure a regular change of partners. Please contact Hugh for further information | |
Updated | 7 December 2022 |
Contact | |
Position | Organiser |
Address | 1st Deddington Brownies |
The Windmill Centre | |
Hempton Road | |
Tel No | 07733 075 880 | | |
Updated | 27 February 2025 |
Castle Grounds - Friends
Contact | James Reeve |
Position | Chairman |
Address | Friends of Castle Grounds |
Tel No | |
Web | Castle Grounds – Friends |
Updated | 12 January 2023 |
Craft Group
Contact | Meriel Flux |
Position | Organiser |
Address | |
Deddington Craft Group | |
Tel No | 01869 338901 |
| |
We welcome anyone who would like to learn or teach creative crafts. We meet every Tuesday afternoon 2-4.30pm at the Holly Tree. | |
Updated | 11 February 2024 |
Cricket Club
Contact | Simon Oldfield |
Telephone No | 01295 812305 |
Mobile | 07771997358 | | |
Web | |
The history of cricket in Deddington goes back to 1834 according to available evidence The current Club was founded over 40 years ago and plays at the Windmill Playing fields on Hempton Road. The Club has two teams in the Cherwell Cricket Saturday League and also runs a Women’s team who play in the Home Counties League. We are a friendly, inclusive members club open to players of all ages and abilities and have a number of cross-generational families playing together over the summer. We used to have a thriving Junior section and would happily support anyone interested in reviving this part of the Club. We have outdoor nets for summer practice and run pre-season indoor sessions. We are always looking to grow our numbers, whether players, scorers, umpires, or supporters, especially from Deddington itself, as we very much see ourselves as part of the local community. | |
28 November 2022 |
Contact | Tracy Tong |
Position | Cub Scout Leader |
Address | 1st Deddington Scout Group Cubs |
Tel No | 07917 025271 | | |
Web | Cubs |
Cubs meet at the Windmill Centre, 6.00-7.30pm during term time. | |
Updated | 28 November 2023 |
Deddington Environment Network (DEN)
Contact | Nick Smith |
Position | Co-ordinator |
Address | Holcombe House |
Tel No | 07860 752756 |
| |
Web | |
DEN is a local and growing community of residents and businesses who care about sustainability, climate change and biodiversity. Our top priorities: Energy – Biodiversity – Resource Efficiency. We aim to take practical steps to make it easier to be green and create better spaces for people and wildlife to thrive. We believe in freely sharing ideas and information, inspiring each other and doing what we can to help the world around us. | |
Updated | 28 November 2024 |
Deddington Playgroup
Contact | Helen Carpenter |
Mobile | | | |
A friendly group run by volunteers for those in Deddington and the surrounding villages. We meet at the Windmill Centre every other Friday, 9.45–11.45am (please check our Facebook page for opening weeks). We offer a range of toys and activities for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers, as well as a great meeting place for parents/carers. We provide snacks and drinks for the little ones and tea/coffee and cake for the grown-ups. Admission is £4 per family. No need to book. We look foward to meeting you! | |
Updated | 3 February 2024 |
Deddington Players
Contact | Suzie Upson |
Position | Secretary |
Address | Deddington Players |
Deddington | |
Tel No | 07717 205051 | | |
Web | Deddington Players |
We are an amateur dramatic group producing an annual pantomime in January, and usually a short play in the autumn. New members, both on and off the stage, are always very welcome to join us. | |
Updated | 30 October 2022 |
Football Club - Adults
Contact | Martin Hovard |
Address | Deddington Town Football Club – Adults |
Tel No | 01869 337810 |
Mobile | 07801 700340 | | |
Web | |
Deddington Town Football Club provides Association Football (ie soccer) for adults living in and around our community. The Club is probably the oldest of any existing Deddington organisation, having been established in 1888. The Club currently runs two teams in the Banbury & District & Lord Jersey Football League and home matches are played at the Windmill Community Centre, Hempton Road, Deddington. | |
Oxfordshire Football Association, PO Box 62, Witney, OX28 1HA OX7 6JA | |
Updated | 3 September 2021 |
Football Club - Youth
Contact | Roger Sykes |
Position | Development Officer and U7 coach |
Address | Deddington Town Football Club – Youth |
Youth Section | |
32 The Swere | |
Deddington | |
OX15 0AA | |
Tel No | 07899 914425 | | |
Web | |
Deddington Town Football Club youth section was formed in 1995. We are a FA Accredited Club, showing we are a well-run club meeting national standards. The Youth team home grounds are Deddington Primary School (Under 9 and Under 10), Fritwell Primary School (U11), Windmill Centre (Under 6 & Under 7, Under 8, Under 12, Under 14, and Under 16). Our teams train at the Windmill Centre, the Warriner School, and Wykham Park School. We are always looking for volunteers as coaches, as well as to help run the club (e.g. pitch improvement work, marketing and fundraising). If you would like to sponsor any of the teams, or sponsor our annual presentation day, please contact the Development Officer. | |
Updated | 31 October 2022 |
Golf Society
Contact | Tony Lowe |
Position | Secretary |
Address | Deddington Original Golf Society |
Tel No | 01869 337108 |
Mobile | 07710 477000 |
DOGS | |
DOGS – Deddington Original Golfing Society is a marvellous part of Deddington life, established for over 25 years. Men, women, beginners, amateurs and professionals are all welcome. We organise four away days and one weekend trip each year. Come and meet some great local characters with a significant range of golfing talent!
| |
Updated | 29 November 2024 |
Contact | Maggie Rampley | |
Position | Organiser | |
Address | Deddington Guides | |
Deddington | ||
Banbury | ||
OX15 | ||
Tel No | 07957 600755 | | | ||
Updated | 21 September 2023 |
Hempton Church & Old School Room - Friends
Contact | Janet Watts |
Position | Chair – Friends of Hempton Church & Old School Room |
Tel No | 01869 337135 |
The aim of the Friends is to see the Church prosper as a living place of worship and to provide a secular meeting place available for community hire. Anyone is invited to become a member and original ideas for the necessary fund-raising for maintenance are always welcome. The minimum annual subscription is £5 single and £10 a family. Registered Charity No. 1049594 | |
Bookings | Sharon Crawley: 07377 811532 |
Updated | 18 October 2021 |
History Society
Contact | Jean Dipper |
Position | Secretary |
Address | Deddington & District History Society (D&DHS) | | |
Chairman | Stuart Heatherington | | |
Web page | |
The Society exists to foster interest in the history and archaeology of this area. Our regular talks cover a wide range of topics. Meetings are held in Deddington Primary School at 7.30pm on the 2nd Thursday in the month and all are welcome. See our web page for details of how to join and the programme for the coming year. Non-members can pay £4.50 for a single meeting at the door. | |
Updated | 13 October 2024 |
Holly Tree Club
Contact | Julia Cork |
Address | Park Farm House, New Street |
Tel No | 07881 438 930 |
Web | Holly Tree Club |
The Holly Tree Club was formed in the 1960s as a meeting place for the elderly and disabled of the Parish of Deddington by its kind donor, Mrs Cora Collin. Anyone aged over 55 years is eligible to become a member; members’ coffee mornings are held every Monday 10.30am–midday. From 1 January 2025, membership will be £10pa in January, and £5 after 1 July. Occasional outings and other recreational activities are organised, self-funded by members. The Holly Tree Club is managed by a committee of volunteer trustees The hall has recently been completely renovated and refurbished in phase one of a two-phase project of updates and extensions. Click here for Holly Tree Hall website. For Hall hire enquiries, email | |
Updated | 23 November 2024 |
Library - Friends
Contact | Stella O’Neill | | |
The Library’s big fund raiser, the 2025 parish calendar, is on sale at the Farmers’ Market until the end of the year. It’s also available from local businesses: Nellie & Dove and Hamptons in the Market Place, Deddington, Fenemore’s Farm shop in Clifton, and the Library. A4 and A5 sizes at £10 and £7.50 respectively. To join the Friends of Deddington Library, complete a subscription form and send it to the Library or email it to | |
Updated | 29 November 2024 |
Netball (Ladies)
Contact | Sophie Cameron |
Address | Deddington Ladies Netball Team |
Windmill Centre | |
Mobile | 07812 739978 | | |
Wednesdays 7.15-8.15pm, Windmill Centre All Weather Court, £3/session. All abilities, ages and experience welcome. Visit our Facebook page Deddington Ladies Netball Club for further information | |
Updated | 17 November 2022
Parish Archive Group
Contact | Mary Robinson |
Position | Secretary |
Address | Forresters |
Chapel Square | |
Deddington | |
OX15 0SG | |
Tel No | 07841 938439 | | |
Web | Parish Archive Group |
Updated | 30 August 2024 |
Photographic Society
Contact | Miggy Wild |
Position | Secretary |
Address | Adderbury, Deddington & District Photographic |
Saddlers Cottage | |
96 North Street | |
Middle Barton | |
OX7 7BJ | |
Mobile | 07964 785189 | | |
Web | A,D & D Photographic Society |
The Society was formed in July 2006 by a group of people who were seeking a new kind of camera club, where the main focus was not on photographic competition. The ethos of the Society is to provide a forum for like-minded photographers to meet in a non-competitive environment, regardless of their technical ability or equipment, where experience and knowledge may be shared and developed through the activities of the Society. The Society’s activities include photographic presentations by outside speakers, workshops by its own members, photographic visits to outside locations, an annual photographic exhibition and our own social events. Please visit the Gallery to see some of our members’ photographs. We are a relatively small society, whose members live in the local area around Adderbury and Deddington. If you are interested in joining us, then please call the Secretary or just come to one of our meetings. Everyone is welcome. | |
Updated | 30 October 2022 |
Royal British Legion
Contact | Tony Lowe |
Position | Secretary |
Address | Deddington Branch, Royal British Legion |
The Archway | |
New Street | |
Deddington | |
Tel No | 01869 337108 |
Mobile | 07710 477000 | | |
Web | RBL Deddington Branch |
Updated | 30 October 2022 |
Rifle & Revolver Club
Contact | Membership Secretary |
Address | Deddington & District Rifle & Revolver Club | | |
Web | |
Updated | 17 November 2022 |
Contact | Scout Leader Pete Churchyard |
Address | 1st Deddington Scout Group |
Deddington | |
Tel No | 07793 013046 | | |
Web | Scouts |
Scouts meet at the Windmill Centre Thursdays 7.30–9.30pm during term-time. | |
Updated | 28 November 2023 |
Tennis Club
Contact | Trevor Stevens |
Position | Membership Secretary |
Address | Deddington Tennis Club |
17 Elizabeth Rise | |
OX16 9LZ | |
Tel No | 01295 669135 | | |
Web | Tennis Club |
Chairman | Becky Jones,, Mob 07894 214412 |
Updated | 29 November 2024 |
Women's Institute
President | Jenny Snashall |
Secretary | Mary Willis |
Home | 01869 338447 |
Mobile | 07758 268 279 | | |
Treasurer | Jen Cox |
The branch meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm in the Holly Tree Hall | |
Updated | 24 October 2024 |