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Deddington – at one time Daedintun – means ‘the place of the people of Daeda’, who was probably an early Saxon lord. Since those times the parish has acquired a lot of interesting history. I have tried to assemble an archive of as much of it – written and verbal – as possible.
The extensive index of headings under which material is archived may lead you to your particular interest or encourage you just to browse. However, If you are looking for a specific name or topic you may find it much easier to select our site search facility via the tab at the top of this page.
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I am always very pleased to hear via email from site visitors and to offer any help that I can.
Rob Forsyth
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Long distance travellers. Katie Hopcraft from Philcock (sic) Street travelled on her own to Moscow in 1888, aged 19, to be governess to the youngest of Count Tolstoy’s three daughters. Another relation (Minchin) travelled to China as the wife of a postmaster.
Karen & Eric Turburfield were surprised to discover some interesting but not very flattering information about Deddington in The Modern Universal British Traveller published in about 1779, while on holiday in Crete
- A Parish at War (Book) – Boer War to Date
- As I Remember (Book) – Deddington in the 1930s-50s
- Buildings
- Census and Populations records
- Clifton – Past & Present
- Clockmakers
- Clubs, Societies and Organisations
- Deddington & District History Society 224 Newsletters
- Deddington Development Watch reports 2012-17
- Deddington in Tasmania
- Deddington News Archive
- Deddington Steamship Co. & Sir Henry Samman
- DN Back Issues
- Domesday Book
- Emigration and Transportation
- Fairs, Festivals & Carnivals
- Farms and Fields
- Gallery – Index of Albums
- Genealogy – useful research links
- Historical Characters – Deddington Map Group
- In the Area
- Maps and Deddington Map Group
- Miscellany of Deddington Stories
- Oral History
- Parish Archive
- Parish Church, St Peter & St Paul
- Parish Registers and other records
- People and Profiles
- Photos, Films and illustrations
- Police History
- Published Articles & Books
- Ruth Johnson’s Writings
- Schools
- Shops, Businesses & Trades
- Site Map
- The Poor in Deddington
- Wills, Indentures & Conveyances